with Dating Cards
Finding love in the 21st century just became easier!
Finding love today means how well you can market yourself, so you need good exposure, a clear message, great visuals and most importantly – know your target audience – your types! Work with me to find your types and find Love-ASAP!
Watch the video and read below for more on how Love-ASAP! delivers love for you!
No one has ever been on Love-ASAP! longer than 7 months when they used all the tools below at their disposal.
This is what you'll get when you start Love-ASAP!:
FREE personalized NFC active dating card (with key fob while supplies last) value of $80
FULL Love-ASAP! introductory packet including relationship resume and your Top 4 love-types eBook value of $160
A REWRITE of your profile, picture editing and a custom tailored strategy for attracting ONLY YOUR TYPES on all relevant dating app platforms value of $120
TWICE monthly consultations with Tem' the Matchmaker value of $150
UNLIMITED match and analysis of potential dates value of $300
Exclusive FOREVER enrollment onto our 'Not So Blind Date' list value of $99
Get a FREE copy of 'YOUR WHY' eBook and learn WHY you date, fall in love or have emotional challenges value of $80
CURATED local event listings for your love-type value of $100
A FREE monthly tracker for Personal energy and 'Good days for love value of $160
ACCESS to our love partners network that includes, sexologists, personal trainers, dietitians, image consultants and more value of $80
Love-ASAP! is going at our discounted rate of just $79.99 a month which you cancel at any time. You CANNOT afford to miss this!
Sign up below and lock in the discount rate before it goes!