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What will I get?

What's in 'Your Why?'

Please Note: This is a personalized eBook containing information and details on your 'why' and your 'why' only!

What's in your personal eBook:


  • SEE your step-by-step core process from idea to action that lies at the heart of every decision you make and powers the 'why you get out of bed' each morning.

  • KNOW the purpose of your process and the path in life your process was designed for, which has major implications for the success of all your life choices i.e. dating, career, lifestyle, etc.

  • DISCOVER the parts of your personality that are specifically there to bail you out of tough situations and to also heal you

  • VIEW AND TRANSFORM lifelong challenges, like low confidence or poor intimacy into a strength once you know your big picture

Exclusively Bundled extras:

  • ONE FREE emotional balance assessment that reveals any currently hidden blind spots in your personality that may be interfering with the fulfillment of your 'why' value of $120

  • ONE FREE 3 month review of the external emotional triggers that have shaped and motivated your behavior and choices up to this present moment value of $100

  • ONE FREE consultation with Tem' the Matchmaker to go over personal eBook with you, answer all your questions and discuss what you do next with this powerful information value of $75


'Your Why' eBook is yours today for only $79.99 That's a HUGE saving of $295 on just the bundled extrasOur why was creating this eBook while still giving you a great deal. Now let us finish helping you find your 'why' today. Purchase 'Your 'Why' now!

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