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Relationship Readiness Program.

You're just 6 weeks away from being relationship ready!

Watch the testimonial below.


Why The Time is Now!

"You have patterns of behavior which create events and choices that stop you from having success in relationships.


Failure to identify or change these patterns means more unsuccessful relationships.


I will show you your negative patterns and that's when we can work to change them."


Tem' the Matchmaker

6 Weeks, 3 phases...

Sessions can easily be done over the phone or in-person.

Phase 1: Analysis

  • Who and what you really are (how well you match with yourself!)

  • Your subconscious motives and drives

  • Triggers, challenges and obstacles

  • Relationships and your top- 4 types

Phase 2: Realization

  • Purpose, vision, requirements, needs and wants

  • Your limiting and hidden belief systems

  • Connecting past dating patterns

  • Your present emotional state

Phase 3: Relationship Readiness

  • Your new affirmations of self

  • Sexual energy expression

  • On and offline dating and attraction strategies

  • Final review and acceptance into Love-ASAP!

Being 'relationship ready' means being truly prepared to take your relationship efforts to the next level! 

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